Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 Endorsement

When I announced almost a year ago that due to Constiutional reasons, I would not be running for President, I promised to endorse a candidate. Well here we are, just under 24 hours before the first in the nation "Hawkeye Cauci," or the Iowa Caucuses to you non-political types, and I have realized I have not yet made an endorsement. But with this post, I intend to keep my promise, and yes, I fully expect this to be the endorsement that rocks the political world.

Out of the entire GOP field, I am left with two who I would whole-heartedly support in November and a few who I vote for if I had to, and two who would cause me to vote for a third party.

Three candidates have convinced me that they say what they believe and are not simply pandering for votes by taking positions popular with the party. However, only two of these candidates, Mike Huckabee and John McCain, have demonstarted some depth by not beginning every sentence with either "On 9/11..." or "After 9/11..."

So it comes down to John McCain and Mike Huckabee and out of these two, I am proud to announce that I am formally endorsing Mike Huckabee for President. Of the two Mike Huckabee is the fresher face, has had to work with a legislature dominated by Democrats to enact any of his initiatives, and is not responsible for the most egregious encroachment on free political speech in my lifetime, the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform bill. For these reasons, I urge GOP primary and Caucus voters to support Mike Huckabee as I am.

As for the two I will not vote for under any circumstances, you have Alan Keyes who really has no qualifications to be President and you've got another former Governor who was for abortion before he was against it, he was for gun control before he was against it, and he was for gay marriage before he was against it. As I am writing this I realize, Mitt Romney makes John Kerry look like a "straight shooter."

While I don't make it a habit to endorse Democrats, in this case I endorse Dennis Kucinich. This is not because I agree with any of his policies, but because he is so out there with his ideas and UFO sightings that any GOP nominee could beat him, and this includes Alan Keyes (who would do so without my support.)


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