Joe Buck Sucks
It's the first Sunday of football season, a day I have awaited with great anticipation since the Superbowl. I couldn't wait to watch my favorite pregame show on Fox, having waited all preseason to find out just who would replace JB. So you can imagine my great dissapointment when I tuned in only to hear Joe Buck's voice and his announcement that he would be the new host of the show. Joe Buck, the man who along with Tim McCarver, destroyed my love for baseball. Joe Buck, the worst sportscaster I have ever seen, or can imagine ever seeing. Yes Joe Buck, will be the new face of football for Fox. Being an avid Eagles fan (with a soft spot in my heart for the team of my adopted home, the Washington Redskins) I have no choice but to watch Fox to catch my teams. But, I am so disheartened that Fox would turn to Mr. Buck that I am seriously considering boycotting all Fox games this season (I can catch the highlights on Prime Time) if for no other reason then the satisfaction I will get from knowing I did my part to make the Fox ratings suffer for imposing this grave injustice on me and every other football fan across this great land we call America. Join me in telling Fox that Joe Buck sucks by watching games on CBS, NBC, and ESPN instead.